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Attention: Please read Endeavour Centre's response to [COVID-19](


High impact people. Zero impact buildings. If your future includes zero carbon, zero toxin, zero waste building, come learn with us.


High impact people. Zero impact buildings. If your future includes zero carbon, zero toxin, zero waste building, come learn with us.


High impact people. Zero impact buildings. If your future includes zero carbon, zero toxin, zero waste building, come learn with us.

We serve a growing community of


who want to create next-generation buildings.


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1-4 day learning opportunities.

Icon with hard hat


4-Month Certificate Program

Icon with house and hand image that reflects Endeavour logo


1-Month Certificate Program

Computer monitor screen with hard icon in circle


Learn from home at your own pace.

About EndeAvour

Endeavour is no ordinary school! Our students come from all walks of life and have all kinds of backgrounds and skill sets. Everybody at Endeavour — faculty, staff and students alike — share a passion for doing the best for people and the planet and we understand that buildings are a key place where our impacts are strongly made and felt. We all want those impacts to be positive in every way. We believe that learning is best achieved when innovation meets practical application in an iterative cycle. We offer experiential education at the intersection of high-performance and natural building, where energy efficiency meets healthy and climate-friendly materials and practices in an inclusive and inspiring environment.


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Check out a wide variety of audio and video files featuring the work of the Endeavour team.
Icon with a computer with a checklist


You are one click away from the most comprehensive encyclopedia of sustainable building materials, sure to answer all your questions.
Image with a computer monitor with an image of a hammer


Endeavour’s projects are extraordinary, and these free e-books take you through each project from start to finish.

Our Projects

Endeavour’s projects are remarkable, precedent-setting buildings, and we share the whole process for each of them in detailed project albums.

Round root cellar partially under ground
Net zero house
Exterior entrance of building
Timber frame structure

Reviews From Our Students

I participated in the one-month Natural Building Intensive with the Endeavour Centre and absolutely loved my experience! I really appreciated that the learning was geared towards all level, and no one felt left out. Being a beginner myself with no experience in construction, I enjoyed the first days of classroom learning to be introduced to the different natural materials/concepts and the building science behind it. I absolutely loved that the rest of the course was all hands-on experience where we got to physically learn the different stages of building with these natural and healthy materials. All the teachers were highly knowledgeable and very kind and patient; explaining and demonstrating what needed done depending on our level. We had a wonderful group where everyone got along and supported each other, it was such a great atmosphere and very motivating. I learnt so much by using the different tools and being part of the whole building process! It gave me the confidence to pursue a job contract in construction and do a few natural building contracts. I plan to apply some of the natural building concepts I learned and my new skills to the tiny home I wish to build this year. I would highly recommend this program to anyone looking to gain knowledge and skills in the natural building world!

Melanie Hotte
Ottawa, ON

I have done a lot of research into natural building and very often my research led me to the work that Endeavour does. I was thrilled to find out that they were local to Peterborough. I participated in their 1 month natural building intensive. From the theoretical introduction to sustainable home design to the practical rendering of strawbale walls that we built; the information provided was delivered with so much passion, experience, and humor. The environment was supportive and people from all backgrounds found the practical skills development so rewarding. I learned so much and was left so inspired. I highly recommend the Endeavour center and the teachers Annie, Dave, and Chris!

Louis Stoltz

From an experienced builder and carpenter’s perspective, the course met my expectations and needs. I got the hands-on experience to complete my skill set to build my own timber frame straw bale house. By showing me the traditional alternatives that are not often found in the big box stores, it reinforced my desire to stop using and being exposed to toxic materials also, the course filled in the gaps in my training and education in regards to building science so that I can make high-performance envelopes from here on. I enjoyed the format and flow of the course. There was a good distribution of in-class and hands-on time and site visits. I was surprised that we could use multiple type of insulation and wall systems in the same building, a practice not common to the residential building industry. The course setting was appropriate since Peterborough is a beautiful town with lots to do and explore after and in between the classes. It is also host and near many natural buildings Based on the nature and pace of the course, I think that the course is well adapted for experienced builders such as myself that care about the environment and the health of the occupants. It is also a good intro for people that are motivated do-it-yourselfers who will take the time to experiment on their own before going full scale.

Jean-Francois Brodeur

I was excited to be part of the 2018 Sustainable New Construction Program at the Endeavour Centre. I am from Ghana, West Africa, and I’m passionate about building with natural, affordable, locally-sourced, renewable and recycled materials. While at the Endeavour Centre, I learned building science and gained hands-on experience working with a variety of materials. I was also able to pursue my own interests in building materials native to tropical climates like in Ghana. I am grateful for my experience at the Endeavour Centre that allowed me to explore my passions. – 

George Akomeah
Ghana, West Africa

Endeavour not only provided a comfortable and intriguing learning environment but inspired me to start my own construction business. Their name carries weight in the industry, which has been fruitful in my client acquisition and retention. If you want a fun, earnest learning experience that will give you hands-on skills in design and construction, these are the teachers for you.

Matt Hurley
Kingston, ON

If you’re looking to learn everything you ever wanted to know about sustainable and natural building, don’t go to architecture school! Endeavour teaches you everything from planning, designing and organizing an entire project to jumping in mud puddles and smearing plaster on straw bales with your bare hands. They’ll even teach you to think about sustainability in ways that probably hadn’t occurred to you before. An unforgettable experience!

Kate Alvo

In the Endeavour classroom, I found a place where it felt safe and exciting to learn new skills. Taking Endeavour’s program introduced me to new ideas, taught me building and design techniques and gave me the skills I needed to pursue a career in the trades. But more than anything, Endeavour’s approach to pedagogy let me exercise a high degree of autonomy and building confidence while having fun.

Annie Murphy

I went into the Sustainable New Construction course with very little experience in building but a passion for sustainability. I had always wanted to learn how to build and this was the perfect introduction.  This course included everything I wanted to learn and more. I think one of the most comforting things throughout the endeavour was having such approachable teachers who were extremely open, patient and fun to learn from! It felt very gratifying finishing the 6 months and coming away with a collection of tools, skills and the confidence to be on a job site. These skills are for life! I highly recommend this program to anyone who is considering taking a natural building course.

Liv Keddy

If you are interested in understanding why we build the way we do and the science behind how we can build better buildings then this is the perfect course for you. The knowledgeable instructors created a comfortable and effective learning environment. There is a nice balance of hands on learning and the theory needed to think outside the box. Completing a project from start to finish offers a unique perspective on the building process. By the end of the course I felt confident that I could work my way through an entire project on my own

Kailee Marland
Ottawa ON

The Sustainable New Construction program was just the stepping stone I was looking for to take my skills to the next level. This program is unique in its combination of classroom time with hands-on training. And the instructors are amazing, incredibly knowledgeable in their trade, dedicated to teaching, welcoming, generous and really down to earth! They are truly leaders in the field of Natural Building and committed to advancing the trade to its fullest potential. There is no other program in all of North America quite like this one. If you are looking to build a basic foundation of skills that you can carry with you to create your dreams this is a great place to start.

Britta Anderson
Guelph ON

I highly recommend this course to any interested in sustainable building. When you take this course at Endeavour you get a kind of “membership” in a supportive and encouraging network with these wonderful professionals for many years.

Natalie Van Dreal

I took the Sustainable New Construction course to broaden my understand and my practical skills. I wholeheartedly enjoyed the hands-on “learning by doing” on-site, and theory in the classroom. Altogether a great experience.

Kristoff Wittstock


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Peterborough, ON

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